For enormous clouds with rich flavor produced by a stunning coil engine then pick up the powerful SMOK V12 Prince Triple Mesh Coil Head. The 0.15 ohm V12 Prince Triple Mesh Coil is rated for use between 60-100W but is recommended by SMOKTech for an optimal output at 80-90W. At these wattages, the SMOK V12 Prince Triple Mesh Coil Head withstands extreme power while producing clouds as you’ve never seen and maintaining top of the line flavor. Featuring three vertical Kanthal Mesh coils, this atomizer head utilizes 100% Organic Japanese Cotton for wicking purposes inside of a superior Stainless Steel frame to contain heat. This new mesh material has a larger heating surface than standard coils which helps prevent hot spots and dry hits. To enjoy your favorite vape juice to its full potential, get the SMOK V12 Prince Triple Mesh Coil Head.
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